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Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center Recognizes Pharmacy Staff

Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center Recognizes Pharmacy Staff

October is American Pharmacists Month and within the month is National Pharmacy Technician day which is always celebrated on the third Tuesday in October. During this month, Claxton-Hepburn took the time to recognize its pharmacy staff for their essential role in health care delivery, their contributions to patient care and safety, and all they do for the community. Shown in the photo are some of Claxton-Hepburn’s pharmacy staff. Left to right are Mary Burwell, pharmacy tech, Jeffrey Green, pharmacist, Suzanne Martin, pharmacy clerk, Jason Demers, pharmacist, Danny Sekhon, pharmacist, Greg Guimond, pharmacist/pharmacy director, and Tiffany Carr, pharmacy technician. Missing from the photo are Nicole LeClair, pharmacy technician and Deb Thompson, pharmacy technician.