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Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center Holds Employee Recognition Program

Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center Holds Employee Recognition Program

Brawler. Renegade. Warrior. Not words you would typically use to describe hospital employees. Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center’s employee recognition program, “Claxton Defenders,” shows that these are excellent characteristics in employees to ensure the best care is provided to patients. The following awards were made during a recent awards ceremony.

A Brawler effectively manages challenge and hardship; is strong and confident, and empowers others. The employee recognized as a Brawler Kareen Bedford, certified patient access clerk in patient registration.

A Renegade is a troubleshooter and problem solver; an innovator; and continuously seeks improvement. The employee recognized as a Renegade was Kellie Bush, RN, perioperative educator and daVinci coordinator in surgical services.

A Warrior is a team player; is fully engaged in their role; and dependable and has the power to endure. The employee recognized as a Warrior was Steve Hawes, director of food services.


Each winner received flowers or a snack basket, a recognition certificate, gift cards, a special parking space, and lunch with Claxton-Hepburn CEO Chuck Gijanto at a restaurant of their choice. New Claxton Defenders will be recognized each quarter. Employees are nominated by co-workers and supervisors. The Claxton Defenders Employee Recognition Program is part of Claxton-Hepburn’s marketing campaign, “Tomorrow is worth defending.”

Shown in the photos clockwise are, Bedford, Lou-Ann McNally, executive director human resources and staff development, and Gijanto, McNally, Bush, Gijanto, and Hawes, McNally and Gijanto.