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Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center Recognizes Physician Assistants

Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center Recognizes Physician Assistants
Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center is pleased to join in the recognition for Physician Assistants’ Week, October 6-12, 2019. We take this time to recognize the physician assistant profession, and more importantly, our physician assistants and their contributions to our community’s and nation’s health. Physician assistants practice medicine in every setting and specialty. They are an integral part of our team of providers at Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center that works hard to keep you and your family North Country strong. Shown in the collage below are our physician assistants. Beginning with the top row, left to right, David Adams, Bailey Airoldi, Scott Beeles, Josh Caruso, Gabrielle Condict, Margaret Ecker, Alesha Pedersen, Alycia Short, and Anuja Thatte.