Medical Center
There are numerous ways to donate and support Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center. Below you can learn more about various ways to improve healthcare services in our community.
At Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center, taking care of you and your neighbors is our first priority, and we recognize our role as a safety net for the people we serve. Claxton-Hepburn turns no one away and sets aside a certain amount each year to cover expenses for patients who cannot pay for services they have received.
The Annual Fund helps Claxton-Hepburn continue to fulfill its mission to meet our region's healthcare needs with compassion and excellence by providing a sustainable and flexible source of funds to be allocated to our most critical areas of need. It ensures the long-term viability of our hospital as a resource and safety net for our community.
Every donor counts toward building a better tomorrow. A donation of any size helps ensure that Claxton-Hepburn can continue to offer the quality care and service innovations the North Country needs. Giving also gives you access to the benefits of The Defenders Society, our distinguished group for those who invest in the foundation.
Dr. E. Garfield Claxton, MD, gave an extraordinary and transformational gift to Hepburn Medical Center, creating what we now know as Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center. His generosity and investment in our community allows the hospital to grow, change, and meet the needs of its patients to this day. Joining the ranks of this society helps to ensure Claxton-Hepburn can continue this legacy.
The Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart have deep ties to the Ogdensburg community going back generations. They served as volunteers and nurses at the hospital now known as Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center, offering comfort and care to its patients. By becoming a member of this society you can ensure the Grey Nuns' tradition of service.
Bishop Edgar P. Wadhams served as the first president of what we now know as Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center starting in 1885. The hospital features a long line of successful, strategic leaders. Joining The President's Society helps our current leadership fund the projects and programs that will fuel the future of Claxton-Hepburn.
The St. Lawrence Seaway has long been the lifeblood of this area, bringing industry, entertainment and access to the community. Support at this level allows Claxton-Hepburn to invest in improvements and services that will allow us to provide the best care possible.
The numerous trees populating Ogdensburg have led to it being dubbed "The Maple City." We hope that supporters of Claxton-Hepburn are as numerous as these honored trees. Investing in this society allows us to support health and wellness efforts beyond the hospital walls, bringing prevention and education to our Maple City community.
All levels of membership have access to The Society Store, a personalized stewardship initiative that allows you to pick an item from our catalog that means something to you. If you do not want a gift in recognition for your support, simply do not choose one. The catalog will be sent out once a year to our Defenders.
Leave a lasting legacy
Remembering the Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center Foundation in your estate plans creates a lasting legacy. You will be providing quality, compassionate care to your family, friends, neighbors, and community that Claxton-Hepburn serves.
By simply naming the foundation in your estate plans, you are providing the financial support that will be seen beyond your lifetime, ensuring that tomorrow is defended.
Let the foundation know of your plans, so we can recognize your contributions.
A charitable gift annuity is an agreement between you and the foundation that provides you with a regular income for life in exchange for transferring assets to the foundation.
How does it work?
How does it benefit you?
Plan for the future. A charitable gift annuity guarantees a return for you and a gift for tomorrow. Help meet your needs for retirement and support the foundation through your investment.
For more information on estate planning or how a charitable gift annuity benefits you today and defends the futures of tomorrow, contact foundation@chmed.org, or call 315.713.6703.